Exotic Island Retreat
Nature everywhere and anywhere is good for giving us fresh perspectives on our lives and relationships, but this exclusive selection of paradise islands with turquoise sea and gentle white beaches, offers so much more. In colour therapy the turquoise colour is known to be the most restorative and soothing of emotions, and as a colour which encourages open and honest expression of emotions. This is such an important aspect of improving relationships, if there is only one thing that will be done in a troubled relationship or in a situation of stagnant singleness, that should be expressing feelings openly. And the opposite is true for the fastest decline of a relationship and for cementing the single existence – withhold emotions, see emotions as a weakness and stop expressing them, and watch how people run far far away. The turquoise colour of the sea with the low tides of gentle calming waves caressing the soft sensual beaches, help us relax and reach to deep places within ourselves, where our feelings are hidden and where our true nature resides.
Accessing the authentic self, bringing the emotions to the surface is a profound restorative experience. We open and loosen, open and loosen until we are in perfect acceptance of our true selves. And then we realise how suppressed and blocked we have been and how that has been holding us back from the deep connections with other people. Let the inner child out to play and enjoy the beautiful connections she/he makes you. This enchanting journey of reaching to the depths of You, is just as exotic as the journey to the geographical locations. If you want to discover something about You – travel somewhere. The farthest away you travel, the deeper insights you will reach, the more exotic places you travel to, the more exotic truths you will discover about You. Knowing You, connecting with the deeper truer You, strengthens your relationship with the rest of the world. As our relationships with others we model from our relationship with ourselves.

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